Tossing the Broad


Three card monte and its sucker effects – a marvelous topic for thorough discussion. I don’t know how far back in history this game goes, or who invented it, but I do know that it is one of the best means of exhibiting your proficiency in the art of dexterity. No doubt it is closely related to the three shell game, which developed from cups and balls, and they go way back in history. I read in some history book that Nero did some clever moves with cups and balls, when he was not playing his fiddle. Which gives you a slight idea of how old the game is.

Now before we go any further into this discussion, let’s get acquainted with the types of people we will meet during said discussion. First, there is the Grifter – better known as the three-card man or monte worker. Three-card man we call him, but to the mob he is known as a broad tosser. He is the gentleman whom you see standing behind a small table or packing case, in fact behind anything that he can use, provided he can attract a crowd with his cry of “Step this way, gentlemen.”

During the recent N.R.A. celebration and parade here in New York, the “grifters” were very much in evidence. Mingling with the crowd, they managed to attract the attention of on-lookers with their come-on tactics, and many of the lambs were shorn of their wool so smoothly that they were hardly aware of it. Many are the ways that games start. A familiar method is to ask a spectator to hold out the newspaper he is reading. Cards are spread on it and with the effort of the “shills,” a crowd collects, interest runs high when the apparent simplicity of the card moves going on in front of them impresses them, the spectators put their money up and get cleaned, as it were.

Almost anything will serve as a table top for the “grifter.” Sometimes, the back of one of the boosters will serve, while his arm-pits serve as convenient nooks or wells for certain necessary card changes. Win? Try to do it, brother. You haven’t a chance.

The “grifter” is ably assisted by a group of followers known as “cappers,” “boosters,” “shills” – the latter name being the correct one. These gentlemen travel around with him at all times. The clever “grifter” has clever “shills.” This group you will find in any place where there is an opportunity to make money – at race tracks, on trains, carnivals, ocean steamers, even amongst society and better known clubs. “Shills” working at these places dress accordingly. One of these shills is usually known as a “ham-donny” – a third-rate pugilist who goes along as strong arm man for the mob. He is the gentleman who tells you to “scram or screw” if you should put up a holler after you have been gypped or cheated. No doubt you have read or been told that the “grifter” will let the spectator win to encourage betting. This is wrong. It has never been known that the “broad tosser” gave the sucker an even break. The winning spectator is always a “shill.” Nobody has ever beat a “grifter” at his own game. It is impossible. (Incidentally there is one exception that is hardly an exception to the rule – up to a short time ago, a mob was working on ferry boats around New York. They let suckers win, but winnings paid by the mob was counterfeit money, or “queer” money as it is called by them. It was a clever way to get rid of the “queer.”)

The reason why you can’t win – the “shill” himself never knows where the winning ace is until the signal is given to him by the “grifter.” After that if you are lucky enough to place your hand on winning ace the “shill” will place his hand on any other card. The “grifter” grabs the “shill’s” money, thereby killing your chances of winning, because only one person can play at a time. The “grifter” will say, “Money in hand or no play.” If you give him your money first, then place your hand on the right card, he will say, “Double the bet?”

The “shill"  will then say, "I double the bet.” You get your money back and the “shill” wins, thereby keeping the money in the mob. The “grifter” will say, “Double the bet,” if you have your hand on the wrong card. If you do it is O.K., if you don’t, it’s O.K. – you lose anyway.


ACE – A dollar. A good humored individual, a sport.

BERRIES – Money – one of the terms a gambler uses when speaking of the wherewithal to play.

BLANKET – Used sometimes in place of a table. Also means overcoat.


BREEZE– Scram or screw, in other words, make an exit.

BUCK– Another term for dollar.

BULL– A policeman.

BUM STEER– Bad information.

CASE NOTE– Another way of saying the last dollar.

CHICKEN FEED– Silver coins, contemptuous term for small amount of money.

COME-ON– The guy who leads the suckers on. The shill working the crowd with the grifter.

DICK– Another way of saying detective.

DO-RE-ME– A fancy way of saying money or funds.

FIN– Meanings are two – a hand or a five dollar bill.

FLY COP– Another nice way of saying detective.

FROG – Still another way of saying dollar.

GRAND– Everyone knows this means a thousand “bucks.”

HAMDONNY– Burned out pugilist.

HEP– Wise to.

JACK– Money.

JOHN– Another way of saying sucker.

JOHN LAW– An officer of the law.

KALE– Once again we say money.

KICK– A pocket.

LAY-OUT– The gambling equipment.

MARK– Did you ever hear of an easy-mark?

MUG– A gentleman not looked upon with respect – a palooka.

NICK– To make an impression on a bank roll.

OAKUS – Wallet.

PALOOKA– Hanger-on – one who does not know what it is all about.

PIG– Also a wallet – made of leather.

POKE– Pocket-book.

QUEER– Counterfeit money.

QUEER SHOVER– The fellow who passes counterfeit money.

SAW BUCK– Ten dollars.

SIMOLEON– Once again we say dollar differently.

SUGAR– Money, of course.

VEAL CUTLET– Overcoat spread over knees as playing table.

YAP – Stupid victim.

John Scarne (top) and Audley V. Walsh.

The restless Audley V. Walsh (1894 - 1957) tried his hand as a vaudeville comic, then as a policeman, magician, author, inventor, and crusader. His pamphlet-sized “treatise” uncovers the deceptions behind a popular gambling con of his day with copious illustrations – and assistance from expert card manipulator John Scarne. My (undated) copy was self-published c. 1930 by the multi-talented Walsh, whose stylized signature indicates that he both designed and executed the cover (with undeniable pizzazz). His contributions to the conjuring arts include inventions like The Rabbit Wringer, the Dream Deck, and the Long Distance Spinner.

Retrieved by Daniel Riccuito


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